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The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Date: 2018-12-12
BrowsingS: 171
Source: 原创
Release date: 2018-12-12
BrowsingS: 171

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

On December 8, 2018, “Sailing out to the sea, marching in the Middle East – the first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit” was grandly unveiled at the Four Points,Shenzhen. The summit was hosted by Cititrans and Shenzhen Cross-border E-Commerce Association. It was co-organized by Qianhai Hengsheng, Wutong elu and sellergrowth. It was supported by Shenzhen  Government, Heyuan Municipal Bureau of Commerce and YEEPAY.COM. It attracted more than 300 people from the Middle East e-commerce sellers and related business representatives.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

At the conference, thousands of miles met, and friends were full of friends. The participants came from government leaders, business associations, electric business, logistics, etc. Through this Middle East cross-border e-commerce summit, effectively cross-border cross-border e-commerce platform resources to help sellers and foreign trade enterprises open. The gateway to the new world of cross-border e-commerce in the Middle East.

Wonderful review

High-rise building, overlooking e-commerce development in the Middle East

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Wu You, deputy secretary general of the Shenzhen Municipal Government, delivered a speech at the summit: Cross-border e-commerce is an important channel for expanding international economic and trade exchanges, and is also an important part of stimulating consumption upgrades as a troika for economic growth, while affirming various cross-border E-Commerce Association's efforts in the development of cross-border e-commerce business, and wish the summit to be held smoothly.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Ms. Wang Xin, Executive Chairman of Shenzhen Cross-border E-Commerce Association, gave a keynote speech on “New Cross-border Opportunities in China-US Economy”, on the scale of China’s export cross-border e-commerce market, and the retail e-commerce market in major countries around the world. In terms of growth rate distribution and distribution of China's export categories, she concluded: 'In 2017, the global e-commerce scale exceeded 2.3 trillion US dollars, with an increase of 24.8%. Asia Pacific accounted for 60% of global revenue in 2017, exceeding 13,000. Billion dollars, the growth rate is over 30%; emerging markets South America, the Middle East and Africa increase more than 20%.'

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The organizer Cititrans, a Middle East cross-border logistics full-process service provider, was established in 2000 and has 13 years of experience in the Middle East market. It also witnessed the development of Middle East e-commerce in recent years. In the keynote speech 'Opportunities and Challenges in the Middle East under the Background of the Big Waves', Fan Jiansheng, CEO of Cititrans, said that the Middle East e-commerce market has great room for development and has not yet formed an e-commerce giant. China is accelerating to emerging markets. The prime time window for expansion, the Middle East with low Internet penetration rate and low e-commerce penetration, and more gold will surely be the blue ocean market for overseas companies.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

In the keynote speech of 'The Middle East, Cross-border E-Commerce Pentium', Mr. Jiang yun shared the development trend of cross-border e-commerce in the future market competition in the Middle East, the superior business environment of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and expressed the economy of the Kingdom of Bahrain. As an active and active government agency in Bahrain, the Development Committee will provide advisory and decision-making services for companies and provide subsidies for company registration.

The platform will gather together to discuss the win-win new pattern

The summit also invited Wadi & Jumia & Linio Asia Pacific General Manager Wang Chunyi, Amazon Global Store South China Regional Development DirectorTong Zhou, Executive Merchants Director Sun Hao, Souq Asia Pacific Investment Agent Kelly and Souq/Noon strength seller Gao Shi'an to introduce the audience to the Middle East The details of the entry of the major e-commerce platforms, the recruitment of goods, and how to build the profit of the explosions and other dry goods.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

How to use e-commerce blue ocean to create high unit price products? Wang chunyi, general manager of wadi&jumia&linio Asia Pacific, mentioned two key words: branding, overseas warehouse.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Comparison of unit price of branded mobile phones and non-branded mobile phones (in euros)

Mr. Wang mentioned that when Chinese sellers enter the emerging market, they should pay attention to product quality and package their own brands and Chinese big brands. Especially in the emerging blue ocean market, the difference in customer price between brand and non-brand products is about 2 times. As long as the products are packaged, there is a chance to become bigger and stronger; on the other hand, the overseas warehouse should be used reasonably to create a high unit price, especially for large and heavy products, which should be stocked to overseas warehouses in advance.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

In the speech on 'New Opportunities for New Sites - Amazon Global Open 2019 Investment Strategy', Amazon Global Development Director of South China Regional Development shared the major platforms in Australia, India and the Middle East.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Jollychic is the typical case of going to the Middle East, and Sun Hao, the executive director of the Jollychic, stressed that the Middle East market needs differentiated and localized operations. Because 99% of the products in the Middle East rely on imports, they have long enjoyed the big names in Europe and the United States. The loyalty to the brand is very high. It is not feasible to use the low-end manufacturing chain to enter the Middle East market with cost-effectiveness. At the same time, the consumption power of the GCC Gulf countries is very strong, and the family population base is large, which means that there is still much room for development in the Middle East e-commerce.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Souq is the e-commerce platform with the longest development time and the highest market share in the Middle East. In 2017, CITITRANS has successfully obtained the full-process agency qualification of Souq platform in China. At the summit, Selq Asia Pacific investment agent Kelly explained the development history, operation mode, traffic source, business process, and settlement process of Souq to the audience, and answered questions for sellers who want to settle in Souq.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

In 2007, Gao Shi'an began to  traditional trade in Dubai, with operations in dozens of countries and regions in Middle East and Africa. In 2014, the market fell and began to try the e-commerce platform Souq. Souq·Noon's strength seller, Gao Shi'an, pointed out that in recent years, the popularity of smart phones has benefited the development policy of e-commerce, the market has been cultivated to a certain extent, and the infrastructure has gradually matured. It provides a powerful driving force for the development of e-commerce in the Middle East.

Four in one, helping sellers to fight in the Middle East

Government Policy

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The success of the enterprise is inseparable from the back-office support of the government and the preferential policies for promoting the development of the project. As a background base for the cross-border e-commerce industry that radiates the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Dawan District, Heyuan City is preparing to construct the Heyuan Comprehensive Bonded Zone and preach at the meeting. Various types of investment promotion policies.

Cross-border collection

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

YEEPay, as the pioneer and leader of China's industry payment, is also the leader of the mobile Internet leader. YEEPay with multi-currency collection, unobstructed, multi-platform and multi-store management, fund security supervision, and second-time cash withdrawal No waiting, no loss of real-time exchange rate, etc., to protect the compliant compliance of overseas companies from various aspects.

Industrial and commercial taxation

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The sellergrowth platform is the first service platform in China to provide integrated solutions for industrial and commercial taxation and taxation for cross-border e-commerce sellers. From a professional perspective, we carefully interpret the compliance issues of overseas industrial and commercial taxation laws under trade protection.

Business operation

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

The theme sharing 'New Brand Era Super Explosives and Explosive Profit System Reconstruction', sharing the guest Mr. Lu Wei, the scene brought different money-making thinking to the audience, and made suggestions for the construction of their own explosive matrix and profit system for the sea-going enterprises, which triggered Deep thinking and active interaction with the small partners present.

Round table forum

In the past few years, e-commerce in the Middle East has ushered in the development of spurt. Many sellers and e-commerce platforms have entered the Middle East. However, compared with China, the logistics in the Middle East has weak infrastructure and relatively low success rate. Wang Xin, Executive Chairman of the Cross-border E-Commerce Association, hosted the “Middle East E-Commerce Logistics Pain and Thinking” roundtable forum, Cititrans CEO Fan Jiansheng, ClubFactory Supply Chain Director Liu Longtong, LightInTheBox Logistics Director Long Chunle, andHuang changlong, Director of Logistics of Banggood, and Liu Zhifeng, Manager of Globalgrow e-commerce, agree that the main difficulties in logistics in the Middle East are:

Firstly, preference for COD payments, low sign-off yields, resulting in a lot of refunds;

Secondly, the problem of returning funds;

Third, the logistics cost is relatively high;

Fourth, the infrastructure is relatively weak, there are not many logistics companies to choose from, and the local customs clearance policy is not perfect. Many policies are not clear.

In response to the above questions, the on-site guests also gave different solutions:

Liu Longtong, director of the supply chain of ClubFactory, said that the most important thing is to improve the yield of the sign-off, because the price of the passengers in the Middle East is high, and the yield is high even if the return has a chance to make money. Other services such as customs clearance, customer service phone pre-confirmation, etc., need to be more localized service providers to help us gradually optimize.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

long chunle, the logistics director of Lanting Group, suggested solving the problem of signing yield from three aspects: first, establish a model or blacklist mechanism within the industry or industry, and share it with relevant sellers; second, it needs to solve the problem of secondary sales of returned documents. Third, the seller should do some research on the consumption habits of the Middle East. Now the return rate is high. A lot of the quality is really not enough. The Middle East itself is rich and oily. If the product quality is not good, the return rate is naturally high.


The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Finally, Fan Jiansheng, CEO of Cititrans, concluded that regarding the overseas warehouse, blacklist and COD signing issues, Cititrans can now do a full case for each company's characteristics. The Middle East's own express delivery service is much behind China's, receiving goods. The time is long and the user experience is not good. So there is a lot of room for improvement.

From January 1st, 2019,  Cititrans began to make its own landings, using China's management experience and service awareness + localized unique needs to establish a Middle East distribution system, improving timeliness and service. Therefore, we are still very much looking forward to the Middle East e-commerce market. The pain points of logistics can be solved. The upstream and downstream of the industry, including platforms, logistics companies and service providers, will eventually operate the cross-border e-commerce market in the Middle East and become stronger and bigger.

The first Middle East Cross-border E-commerce Summit ended successfully!

Thanks to every guest present for having had a fulfilling and wonderful afternoon with us!

Thanks to Bangyue, New Dubai, amz123, Win,, SellerGrowth, and Cross-border Logistics Ecology Alliance for their support.

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